Partonomy list P3, primary language: LA, subsidiary: EN, interface: EN, work in progress

auris interna (par)

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Top level organa sensoria Short Extended
Level 2 organum vestibulocochleare (par) Short Extended
Current level auris interna (par) Extended
Subsidiary language with Latin
Non Latin primary language
Partonomy list
Short official Latin term
Short English equivalent
60909 7247 tax
auris interna (par)
internal ear (pair) ; inner ear (pair)
268963 7249 tax
labyrinthus osseus (par)
bony labyrinth (pair)
60183 7250 tax
vestibulum (par) P4 31 children
vestibule (pair)
60186 7261 tax
semicircular canals (pair)
60201 7271 tax
cochlea (par) P4 58 children
cochlea (pair)
77745 7300 tax
spatium perilymphaticum (par)
perilymphatic space (pair)
textus reticularis laxus perilymphaticus (par)
perilymphatic loose reticular tissue (pair)
8259 tax
trabecula perilymphatica (par)
perilymphatic trabecula (pair)
321537 14131 tax
ductus perilymphaticus (par)
perilymphatic duct (pair)
60908 7301
perilympha (par)
perilymph (pair)
61022 7304 tax
labyrinthus membranaceus (par)
membranous labyrinth (pair)
77823 7305 tax
spatium endolymphaticum (par)
endolymphatic space (pair)
61112 7306
endolympha (par)
endolymph (pair)
61255 7307 tax
labyrinthus vestibularis (par)
vestibular labyrinth (pair)
61113 7308 tax
utriculus (par)
utricle (pair)
61017 7309 tax
recessus utriculi (par)
utricular recess (pair)
61116 7310 tax
sacculus (par)
saccule (pair)
61122 7311 tax
semicircular ducts (pair)
61243 7321 tax
utriculosaccular duct (pair)
61246 7324 tax
endolymphatic duct (pair)
7327 tax
maculae of endolymphatic duct (pair)
77714 7333 tax
ampullary crests (pair)
61259 7336 tax
labyrinthus cochlearis (par)
cochlear labyrinth (pair)
61119 7338 tax
ductus cochlearis (par) ; scala media (par)
cochlear duct (pair) ; scala media (pair)
77830 7339 tax
vestibular wall (pair)
77831 7340 tax
paries externus (par) P4 44 children
external wall (pair)
77840 7345 tax
tympanic wall (pair) ; spiral membrane (pair)
77843 7349 tax
limbus spiralis (par) P4 14 children
spiral limbus (pair)
77850 7358 tax
sulcus spiralis internus (par)
inner spiral sulcus (pair)
75805 7353 tax
membrana tectoria (par)
tectorial membrane (pair)
linea interna membranae tectoriae (par)
inner stripe of tectorial membrane of cochlear duct of internal ear (pair)
linea externa membranae tectoriae (par)
outer stripe of tectorial membrane of cochlear duct of internal ear (pair)
77847 7354 tax
caecum vestibulare (par)
vestibular caecum (pair)
77848 7355 tax
caecum cupulare (par)
cupular caecum (pair)
75715 7356 tax
organum spirale (par)
spiral organ (pair)
cellulae organi spiralis (par)
cells of spiral organ (pair)
79798 8779 tax
; limiting epitheliocytes (pair) ; limiting epithelial cells (pair)
9225 tax
supporting cells (pair); supporting epitheliocytes of cochlea (pair) ; supporting epithelial cells (pair)
62364 8803 tax
cochleocyti (par) P4 8 children
cochlear hair cells (pair); cochleocytes (pair)
77849 7357 tax
membrana reticularis (par)
reticular membrane (pair)
8874 tax
tunnels of spiral organ (pair)
9292 tax
vestibulocochlear ganglia (pair)
50869 6487 tax
nervus vestibulocochlearis ; nervus cranialis VIII
vestibulocochlear nerve ; cranial nerve VIII
7361 tax
blood vessels of internal ear (pair)
44 lines
75.0 %
63.6 %
Scientific notes
Libelle of note
The cell types of the Organum spirale have been rearranged as Epitheliocyti limitantes (Border cells), Epitheliocyti sustenantes (Supporting cells) and Cochleocyti (Hair cells). Inner and outer sulcus cells have been added to the border cells (Fritzsch B, Elliott KL 2018 Auditory nomenclature: Combining name recognition with anatomical description. Front Neuroanat 12:99).
Type of list P3
List Unit Identifier 7247
Sublist 1 7250 vestibulum 31/12 on 30.7.2024
Sublist 2 7261 canalis semicircularis 29/10 on 31.3.2018
Sublist 3 7271 cochlea 58/21 on 30.7.2024
Sublist 4 7311 ductus semicircularis 44/15 on 31.3.2018
Sublist 5 7321 ductus utriculosaccularis 8/3 on 31.3.2018
Sublist 6 7324 ductus endolymphaticus 26/9 on 30.7.2024
Sublist 7 7327 maculae ductus endolymphatici 14/5 on 30.7.2024
Sublist 8 7333 cristae ampullares 11/4 on 30.7.2024
Sublist 9 7339 paries vestibularis 14/5 on 31.3.2018
Sublist 10 7340 paries externus 44/15 on 31.3.2018
Sublist 11 7345 paries tympanicus 11/4 on 31.3.2018
Sublist 12 7349 limbus spiralis 14/5 on 31.3.2018
Sublist 13 7361 vas sanguineum auris internae 58/21 on 30.7.2024
Sublist 14 8779 epitheliocytus limitans 17/6 on 24.11.2020
Sublist 15 8803 cochleocytus 8/3 on 31.3.2018
Sublist 16 8874 cuniculus 11/4 on 31.3.2018
Sublist 17 9225 epitheliocytus sustenans 14/5 on 31.3.2018
Sublist 18 9292 ganglio vestibulocochleare 47/16 on 31.3.2018
Subtotals subchildren 459 subunits 163
Proper children 93
Number of children 552 (validated)
Proper units 26
Number of units 189 (validated)
Signature 21793 (validated since 30.7.2024)
Date: 13.10.2024